Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Development The Stages of Infancy - 1161 Words

The stage of infancy lasts from birth until approximately two years of age (Sigelman Rider, 2010). The physical development from infant to child occurs in a cephalocaudal direction: the head and upper body develop prior to the lower body (Sigelman Rider, 2010). Because of the rapid development at this stage children need to get good solid nutrition and need to be watched closely as they are often unable to coordinate their body or understand the dangers of certain situations (e.g., such as when my one-year old cousin put his finger in an electrical outlet). During this period a great deal of developing and learning occurs. Learning is facilitated through environmental cues, such as the behavior and actions of parents. Very basic skills become mastered throughout this period such as nursing, crying, motor coordination, and the ability to represent images with simple language (Sigelman Rider, 2010). There have been many theorists that have described these changes. Jean Piaget was co ncerned with the cognitive development of the child. He studied the development of the childs ability to think, represent events mentally, and manipulate symbols. Piaget proposed four stages of cognitive development from infancy to adulthood: the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages (Eysenck Keane, 2010). Abraham Maslow has been noted as the seminal proponent of humanistic psychology. Maslow is most famous for his outlining of a hierarchyShow MoreRelatedA Childs Cognitive Growth1159 Words   |  5 Pagesis human development. Humans go through several stages of development, one of them being infant development. This stage is critical to a child’s cognitive growth. The various stages of infant development each hold equal significance and should be developed appropriately. Infants are especially sensitive and receptive to certain stimuli during this stage. 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